domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Wonderful Perú

Wonderful Perú 

So, you want to visit Perú?
Excelent choice. Perú is a mega diverse country.

Peru is one of ten mega diverse countries in the worldPerú has 84 of the 117 life zones of the planet are in Peru. It has the second place in diversity of birds, with 1816 species. Likewise features 128 of the most important birding areas. Is fifth in species of mammals, with 515 species. Fifth in species of reptiles, with 418 species. Fourth in amphibians with 449 species. First in fish species , about 2000 species of marine and inland waters , 10% of the world total! Eighth place in species of flowering plants, with 25,000 described species. First place in butterfly species, with 3532 species. It houses about 10 % of orchids in the world
Also has the following endemic species :
 • Birds: 115 species (6% of total)
 • Mamals: 109 species (27.5% of total)
 • Amphibiams: 185 especies (48.5% of total)
 • Butterflies: 58 species (12.5% of total)
 • Orchids: 300 – 350 species (1% of total)

Cultural Perú

Many of the festivals, rituals, and actual ways of life remain from pre-Columbian time. From traditional clothing to popular folk art expressions, and belief systems to ways of working and even cooking, Peru is full of customs that maintain the legacy of its ancient cultures.
Peru meets high cultural diversity. It has 14 linguistic families and at least 44 ethnic groups, of which 42 are in the Amazon. These indigenous peoples possess important knowledge regarding the management , resource uses and properties 

Adventure Perú

Peru is versatile and its geography proves it to be the perfect place for adventure. A warm desert coast, an imposing mountain range and a lush jungle invite you to enjoy all kinds of extreme experiences and adventures including hiking in the mountains, sandboarding on coastal dunes and canoeing in rivers or trekking the Inca Trail.

Ancient Perú 

From the oldest civilization in America, to the largest and most powerful empire of the southern continent, Ancient Peru conserves the architectural and artistic vestiges of fascinating cultures. Discovering them is a breathtaking experience.



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